Terence James O'Rourke
Dead Beat Dad Puts himself before his children


My childrens father refuses to pay child support. He has gone to the extreme of accusing me of fraud. He didn't bother to do any of this until after he had committed a crime that he unfortunately got away with. He wanted me to lower his support and was threatening to stop paying all together if I didn't sign an agreement to lower his support. I have always been a little scared of my exhusband because he becomes violent when angry and although until this event had never left a physical bruise he was both verbally and physically abusive. On the evening of December 28 he called and asked me to come and pick up my daughter as he had to work and could no longer keep her during her Christmas visitation stay. He was adament that I come all the way to his residence which is over an hour away from my house.

Since he refused to meet me half way I thought it would be a good idea to bring along a friend of mine. I had a feeling he wanted to discuss lowering the child support yet again and I was holding off on the conversation until I had an opportunity to speak with my attorney regarding the issue. Upon arriving at his house this evening he was not there. I called and was unable to reach him on his cell phone. My friends daughter lives around the corner and so we went over there to visit while waiting for him to return my call. After arriving at her house I tried to call again and still did not have any luck reaching him. He finally called me back and was very angry and accused me of calling him ten times. (I have my cell phone records that shows that I only called three times total).

I asked if he would just drop off my daughter at their house. He told me no that I either bring my a@ over to his house or just go home. I said now you called me to come and pick her up and that is what I am here to do. Long story short, when I arrived at his house I tried to sound happy and friendly and he took our other daughter from me and told me to leave, I didn't, I tried to assure my children that everything would be ok and I tried to get to them. He grabbed me by the throat and threw me to the ground in his front yard. My friend witnessed the entire event. I went to the police and filed a report, they went over to his house to arrest him and instead listened to a false story of the event and somehow concluded that he was not at fault because it was his property.

Thanks to Florida law you can kill someone on your property and not get arrested or convicted. After this event I filed for an injuction against domestic violence and received a temporary injunction. Judge Ralph Artigliere in Polk County found that my exhusband was not going to receive a permanent injunction, but that he was very close to receiving one. My ex-husband had stopped paying support after I had filed for the injunction and filed the police report. I also filed a Motion for Contempt for non-payment of child support. This is when he filed a report of fraud. We went to court for the contempt hearing and once again the dishonorable Judge Artigliere found that he was not in contempt of court, although he agreed that at the time my ex-husband was in arrears over $5000. At this time my ex-husband is over $10,000 in arrears and I am still not receiving the ordered support.

I have another Motion for Contempt for Non-Payment and unfortunately the case will once again be heard by Judge Artigleire. I know my chances are slim of actually receiving a favorable order from the Judge, but I refuse to stand by and allow the Dead Beat to just have his way. Unlike most dead beat fathers he does see his children and demands that he sees he's children. He also states that I have to drive halfway to meet him. So this means although he pays little to no support for his children I am spending money to drive and meet him half way every other week for his standard visitation. I have also lost my house and was very close to losing my only form of transporation. I work almost seven days a week and I have to move back in with my parents in order to keep a roof over my head. Of course this is a brief story, there is much more. But I just thought people should know what kind of man he is.

Company: Terence James O'Rourke
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Sebring
Address: 1622 Lambeau Avenue
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Thomas P. Schmitz SR
Dead beat dad hasn't paid child support since divorce - $24817 in arrears! Court system won't go after him!

Demas ralph miller
Is a dead beat father

Andrew McCourt
This DEADBEAT DAD has made LESS than 10 child support payments for our 10 year old daughter dead beat only cares about himself

Missouri Division Of Child Support
Dear beat dad - Michael Dean Jett

Shane Ooley
Ripoff dead beat dad

Child Support Enforcement
Dishonest fraudulent heartless out-of-control ripoff georgia

Rebecca Copes Dix
AKA ANGEL AKA BECCA LEE DEAD BEAT MOM dead Beat inconsiderate Mom Virginia

Bay County Friend of the court
Discrimination, Violation of rights, Not following the law, Slowley destroying my life. Imprisionment

David L Krone
David Lee Krone Dead Beat Dad, owes me more than $50,000 in back child support, you can run but you cant hide!

Friend Of The Court
Ripoff taking time more than 3 months to hear a motion already filed rip off