Ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent billing, How did they get my credit card info? Ripoff


This company charged me for $10 on 6/15/07. I found this charge while i was looking for checks that went through. I have NEVER given my credit card info to a place like this. I called them and told them i have never heard of them and that i want my money back and that i want them to cancel my account (that i never made) I google'd this "company" and i found pages of forums and websites like this that have alot to say about this RIPOFF of a company.

Dont ya think that if you owned that company that you would shot yourself or something. I know i would. I worked for a company once that sold pointless software to people that didnt know better and i felt like kicking my own ass. WTF is wrong with people. GOD!

Salt Lake City, Utah

Company: Wli*reservationrewards
Country: USA
State: Utah
Phone: 8015554411
  <     >  


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Datesnow Pty Ltd Brisbane AU
Datesnow Pty Ltd ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing reoccuring fraudulent billing no way to contact them Brisbane

I never registered at this company. I started to notice charge on credit card. I went to google the company and found out I was being ripped off. I called my credit card co & was told to cancle charge which I did reservationrewards Ripoff

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Internet credit card billing ripoff fraudulent ripoff business internet

Ripoff, dishonest fraudulent billing. Terrible costomer service i sin ripoff

Ripoff has taken a $9.00 charge out of my credit card account without my authorization twice now

WLI Reservation Rewards
Www.reservationrewards.com ripoff