Moore Motivation
ILD - Quixtar Scammers Cult Group with self proclaimed prophet that promotes itself as a MLM with American Values ripoff


This is more of a beware notice to other residents in the Kaufman area. We had a family move in several years ago that by all appearances seems normal and has a Home Based Business.

I met an individual & his wife that seemed likeable and based on our converasation had things in common. They mentioned the had a side business and were looking to expand. I being very entreprenural, was willing to look at what they had going on.

After going to a non-descript meeting about this business opportunity. I met a very charismatic couple that based on first appearances seem friendly and honest. Come to find out this was a Quixtar MLM recruiting meeting, they could have just come out and stated this, if we are talking honesty here & no cloak and dagger. I am sure it is done this way to make sure someone shows up.

Everyone has heard about Amway/Quixtar (yes they are one & the same) for years. One is the older traditional door to door & the other is internet based that Amway moved in 1999.

After learning more and realizing this is a pyramid scheme & it is with a hidden tools business that no one tells you about that only the upper pins (kingpins that have developed a group) benefit from and outlandish unsubstantiated claims of wealth. After having some background info pulled on this couple I find that they have filed bankruptcy in Alaska before, never paid creditors, recently had a home repossesed, left Alaska because they need fresh meat as they have burned through the market in Alaska after many years of ripping people off.

In this so called business, to succeed you have to be part of the core (means you buy all products, be on the books and tapes program) or be blackballed. This guy has an ego bigger than Texas and a ruthless nature to get rid of anyone that threatens his position of power. The reach of this madman Jeff Moore and his wife Andrea Moore extends more than on the business side. They prey on individuals looking for friendship and that are easily taken advantage of or trusting souls. These people serve them and believe they are serving God by doing so. They had several familes follow them from Alaska.

Part of the program is you have to council upline. I believe that a mentorship program is a good thing. But not when it comes to you should have your wife wear a dress (if she would like to I am ok with that), how men should dress, should you buy a car, should you buy a house. The problem is that you have the fox guarding the hen house. They will tell you that it is in their best interest for you to succeed and that you should save up to pay cash for everything (they are financed to the teeth themselves). The reason for this is they want a hand in controlling how you spend your money & want it spent through their business at a profit to them.

They use an effective method of brainwashing people. There are several methods used, sleep depravation (constant meetings that go into the very late hours after you get off work), seperation from family (people are with you or against you), seperation from the world (no TV, News, selected books and tapes)

I think this couple sincerely believes the lies they tell people. To top this off Jeff Moore thinks he is a self proclaimed profit & is a gun fanatic? You gotta be kidding me. I have some guns but don't carry one everywhere I go, as well as my wife. They have associations around the Dallas area & with a Pastor Bacon out of Arlington, also a member of this organization, I would heavily scrutinize this church. The Moore's draw people to them to lend credibility to their business and to their legitimacy as religious leaders. They look to sponsor prominent individuals such as doctors, pastors, lawyers (they don't get many of these, they hate lawyers) business owners, etc..

All I can say is that don't be the sucker. Do your own research before becoming associated with these individuals or this organization. Make sure you know what you are getting into and recognize a cult for what it is.

I am sure the Moore's would have some cooked up justifcation for their actions, more likely Andrea as she is the brains. But nothing can justify the manipulation and interferance into other peoples lives, finances under the pretense of a business. If you want to operate a business (granted a MLM, Pyramid) do so, If you want to open a legitimate church do so. But we have had our Waco and you can take you happy Cult loving butt out of our State and back where you came from. I am sure Alaska and its residents are waiting with baited breath for you to come back.

Company: Moore Motivation
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Kaufman
Address: 7728 CR 4095
Phone: 9724523707
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