Amway - Quixtar
They make their real money selling motivation, not products ripoff

Business & Finance

When I realized my husband would never be able to bring himself to do the things they asked in order to "build the business", I asked, and then begged that he stop spending the money on books and tapes, seminars and major rallies.

He just kept going on with it, and the longer it went the more I realized that the primary reason we could not get any real help from our upline was that they were already making plenty of money from us off of their share of the tapes, books, seminars, and rallies. Just one example; it costs pennies each to mass duplicate a tape of one of these "upline" talking at a rally, and our price for the two tapes of the week ten years ago was over $7.00 each!

Finally I asked our oh-so-caring sponsors to talk to him and get him to drop the business since he was obviously not going to work it.instead, they encouraged him to continue having contact with them behind my back, he got a credit card that I did not know about and put $6,000 on it while pulling the bills out of the mail so that I never saw them.

This was because I was working a second job to try and pay off the other two credit cards, 80 % of which were charged up with Amway crap. I was giving him $400 a month that he was supposed to be directly applying to charge cards.instead, he was making the minimum payments and spending the cash on more motivational crap. They told him he was doing the right thing because once he became successful it would all be made up to me, in spades.

$16,000 spent in four years. One marriage nearly ruined. Bankruptcy. And to this day he will not throw out the pictures of himself with those Diamonds and Emeralds. He's not the same person and never will be, thanks to the brainwashing techniques they use, which strongly resemble those used by religious cults.

The only time in my life that I would refuse to urinate on one of those rat-faced Amway ba* would be if he or she were on fire.

Company: Amway - Quixtar
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Grand Rapids
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Brainwashing techniques they use, which strongly resemble those used by religious cults

Team Of Destiny AKA TEAM
Just another Amway CULT

Is A Bunch Of Thiefs ripoff Everywhere

Amway Global / Quixtar
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QUIXTAR leads to financial ruin! Beware!

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Herbalife Class Action Settlement Reveals "Secret" Business. Pyramid Scheme Alert has formally requested that the FTC investigate Amway / Quixtar's recruiting practices

Quixtar - Amway
Stolen Dreams and Empty pockets, almost brainwashed too! Ripoff Whitwell Tennessee