Product Test Panel
They took my money and ran with it. With out looking back. New Yok Internet


They took me for a ride that I didnt enjoy. They took my money and I am still waiting for my 42in flat screen, ipod, a couple of 500$ gift cards, laptops. Must I go on. I hope we can put a stop to these people and organizitions. You might as well say they are getting away with murder. I feel like I was violated as well as so many others. It is not fair. We need to do something about it.

Company: Product Test Panel
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Product Test Panel
What a RIP OFF
Target Replacement Plan a Fallacy. Not Honored. - Ipod touch

Product Test Panel - Consumer Reasearch Corporation
Product Test Panel ripoff olumbia

Consumer Research Corporation
Consumer Ripoff Corporation Not Consumer Research Corporation

Consumer Research Corporation
Bait, Bait, Bait, Bait, Bait, Bait, Bait & Switch Columbia

LCD Flat Screen - 52" LCD Flat Screen

Product Test Panel
Ripoff promised things but didn't deliver on them INTERNET

Cyber Test, Inc
Unable to repair. Rude on the phone. Claiming i dont know what Im talking about

Product Test Panel - PTP

Product Test
Ripoff dishonest, misleading and fraudulant offers on prodcut testing internet