TLC Management
Ripoff Charges tenants for repairs despite requiring a NON REFUNDABLE security deposit


In August of I decided, unfortunately, to rent from TLC Management in Chicago.

I paid a $250 fee for the company to run my credit, and another $250 non-refundable pet deposit.

Upon moving in, I noticed a sewage-like smell and requested that it be fixed before I officially moved in. It was agreed that the smell would be fixed, and I cut them a check for the $250 non-refundable security deposit.

The building manager had insisted that the smell was coming from the carpeting, so she had new carpeting installed before I moved in on August 1. Too bad the smell was still invading my apartment. Turns out it was coming from the kitchen sink, which occasionally gurgled and emitted this smell. I called up the building repairman and asked for him to check it out. I was told nothing was wrong. At this point, I had decided not to renew my lease.

Once I'd moved out, I received a letter from TLC demanding payment of $600 in "cleaning fees, " including a $570 charge for the new carpet! Outraged, I began a slew of correspondance between myself and the various shady characters TLC employed to do its collecting.

This evening, March 28, I was served with court papers. They've decided to charge me $920.75, and I'm making sure that no one else makes the same mistake I did when I decided to rent from this company. Save yourself the headache, please.

Any suggestions? I'm open. I'm also sending this report to the BBB and, in hopes that these people will be ashamed by their shoddy business practices at the very least.

Company: TLC Management
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Address: 205 W Randolph St
Phone: 3125539070
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