Credit Money Machine
Ripoff said they would return my money and then charged me more!


Went online and saw this website for a product called Credit Money Machine, decided to order it and try it out. I then got a link for the product to download on to my computer and it would not download.

So I called the phone number for the product which is just one man who ever awnser's the phone. So that make me uncomfortable right there because if your product is so great why isn't there employee's.

So I persisted to tell him it would not download Lorenzo Rodriguez then started to tell me I would have to buy another program to make it work and then buy extra keys to the program so that I could have more than one user.
I told him that for $3,000.00 for a program I should be able to at least have one other employee that can use it. He stated that I would have to buy an additional key. (that right there is a rip-off)

So I told him I did not want the product and he started to give me his sails pitch on how great the product was and how the other companies out there were charging $35,000.00. I told him I did not care I did not want it and not to charge my card again for the product as I was on a monthly plan with him. He told me when I got his package to return it and he would refund my money because he stands behind his product and anyone who is not happy can return it.

So I wait and wait for the package you would think with paying $3,000.00 for a program that they would at least have enough money to send it 2 day air instead of regular mail. It took quite a while to recieve the package and when we recieved it, it was nothing more than a binder with maybe 10 pages of what was suppose to be a training manual. The rest were pages bashing mortgage broker's stating they should not charge more than 2% broker fee and all this other crap that he has no clue about. He is not a licensed mortgage broker and he has no clue what or what should not be charged. Then the rest of the manual that he calls the "CREDIT BIBLE" is useless.

I then return the product to him as I stated I would and looked at my next bank statement and he charged me again! Yes after I the consumer stated do not charge my card again he did so.

So I sent him several e-mails asking him why he did this. He then states that he never talked to me on the phone and I never said I wanted to return the product. I told him he was nuts and I went through and reminded him of the phone call and how I yelled at him because he kept giving me his sales pitch. He then stated he doesn't remember that either!

So I tell him if he is a man of his word and he stands behind his product then he should return my money. He stated he did not get it in the first 30 days of him charging my card. I told him I did not even get the package for awhile and he never stated to me when I told him that I wanted to return it that it had to be back to him within 30 days by certified mail. Why did he not tell me this if it was so important. I would have driven the package to Pompano Beach I live in Florida.

He then sent me a final e-mail after I told him I was filing compaints with and the Attorney General and stated that I could threaten him all day he was not giving me my money back. He then told me how lucky I was to have his product because he now is charging $5,000.00 for the product. How lucky I am??? I had a product that did not work and he never returned e-mails and phone calls for the training that his company states is a part of my package.

Well Lorenzo they were not threats as you can see they were promises. I am going to do everything I stated I was going to do because people need to know your company is a RIP-OFF

Company: Credit Money Machine
Country: USA
State: Florida
Phone: 9545820125
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Credit Money Machine
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