Luis Visuetti
Deadbeat Dad Dishonest Fathe


Mr. Visuetti has a 5 year old child that he hasn't sent in child support for in 4 years. This man lies to the States of Illinois, Florida, and the government, changing his name and social security # like we change underwear. Every time the State finds out where he works, he changes jobs just to aviod paying for his daughter's care. He works at car dealers as a salesman, so he is very good at being a slimeball. He owes over $20,000.00 and still pretends like he wants to be in his kid's life. He calls around her birthday and tells her mother that he wants to see his kid, but doesn't want to talk to her on the phone or send her a card. Do not trust this snake, he will bite you, too

Company: Luis Visuetti
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Coconut Creek
Address: 3630 NW 71 St
Phone: 9544217179
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Luis Visuetti
Dishonest Car Salesman and Friend ripoff

Mark C. Bellow
Owes over $10,000.00 in child support for autistic disabled daughter, dishonest, doesnt contact daughter, hides, moves alot, changes jobs

Walter T. L'Hote
Ripoff Dead beat dad owing $10,000 in child Support

Robert Nicholas Chabot
Deadbeat Dad - works for cash to avoid paying child support, does not file taxes

Luis Antonio Acosta
Jr. Deadbeat. Rip-off!

Patrick L Fenton
Deadbeat dad owes over $21,000 and is not willing to pay a dime

Jason Jonathan Britton
Ripoff dead beat only cares about himself Dad, owes almost $9,000 in child support, selfish bastard, doesnt care about his first born child!

Robert Alan Sasko
Deadbeat dad! Ripoff

Luis Acosta Jr
Physically abusive, deadbeat, lia

Theresa Eckerd (Geiler)
Won't pay child support