Jeane Smith And Assc
What a scam


I retained the services of this firm, one attorney in particular Jay Falkner, for water damages to our home caused by our neighbor who sealed up a right of way. For two years we have been defending our home because this clown Trevor Perry thought it would be fun to rid himself of his neighbors Catherine and Francis, but as it turned out we he didnt think this City boy had any fight in him.

I contacted this so called attorney and described to him our problem and he said he would take our case. We presented him with video tapes phoyographs and witness to back our story up. He gave us his word, he wouldnt have taken this case if he was going to lose, famous last words. His anyways.

We delt with flooding waters for two years that had left our home in shambles. We had mold comming thru our floors and carpets, our home was splitting in half and sinking, walls were cracking, our shop was seperating from the house. And the foudation was sinking and comming apart. Because this guy decided to cut off drainage from our lot. Stopping the water from leaving.

We had county and state officials come to our rescue and have this man open the right of way. Still this guy did not want to. We had our City who thought it would be nice and asked the man to open the drain, but still nothing. This guy said that the water flowed in the other dirwection. Really, So we hire engineers to scope out the site and found this guy was wrong, the water flowed downhill from our location.

A simple survey proved that this guy was in the wrong, with expert testamony from some very recomended engineers, state officials as well as county officials, contractors and others who testified on our behalf couldnt stop the knife going deep into my wifes back. Not from testomony from witness but for the lack of evidence that the defence had stricken from being used in court, because it brought back bad memories for his client. WHAT! You heard me, they had the judge throw out our evidence because it was to painful for the defences client to see.

Now I've heard alot of things, and after the verdict, our attorney refused to appeal, because we lacked the evedence, well if you would have refused the defences plea to drop the the videos and photos, we had him by his b*s.

If looks could kill, this attorney who I had alot of respect and admiration for, would have been dead right where he was standing.

We get our bill every month from not onlt this peice of S@%T but the defences, buy the way this so called attorney had told my wife he would have the bill reduced, because he was sure he could have won. Yeah thats why the bill hasnt gone down one dime since, and what about thiose charges that seem to go up one month and then down the next, I was asked to have these statements sent to the US Postal inspectors Office to have them review them. I guess its a crime to over charge interest thru the US Post Office.

I hope he gets his act togather, because I am not even close to being done with that clown.

Company: Jeane Smith And Assc
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Corvallis
Address: 201 NW Third Street
Phone: 5417526416
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