CYDCOR Company
WE ALL should ban together and call TV stations... These people need to be stopped... I WAS WORKED in one of these places and lied to people and was told to use tricky phrases


I worked in a CYDCOR company based in the Cherry Hill NJ area. They have fancy posting alls over monster and careerbuilder. They have more than 30 some interviews a day and pretty much if you walk through the door YOUR HIRED!!!

And I have doen my research and the phrases that all of these companies have is the same - um can we say CULT! They say if you quit than you cant hack it - or they say that this job isnt for everyone... How pathetic... How about anyone ANYONE can work this job... You dont have to have any expereince or even go to college... It sad how they say people can't cut it

This is an attitude coming from a profession that basically requires you walking in the door to get the job. Try getting a real job my friend where you have to have skills experience and education to get the job in the first place, then we will see who can not cut it.

Im embarressed to say I worked at this place. Run away - run far away... The managers of these companies are all pathetic and sad... They all think they are so cool when really everyone laughs at you behind your back bc this job is a JOKE! People with a real education can work a 9-5 with real benefits and good hours... Not all day and night... Wake up!!!

Company: CYDCOR Company
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Cherry Hill Area
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Peerless Marketing NJ
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Lexero Marketing Cydcor
Ripoff, liars, deceptive cult like Multi Level Marketing Scam

All Star Executive Inc
Whitney pagnet and tricky owner yet another cydcor scam company located in fairfax va... Do not go for an interview

Let's shut cydcor down read how! Ripoff

Shore Thing Marketing

St. Croix Concepts
Pyramid scheme, scam, part of cydcor, huge scam, stay away!

Spectrum Concepts

Cydcor - Ds-Max
Red Bull Attitude High Impact Innov, Kinetic Solutions CAP Marketing & Consulting, In Mulitple deceptive companies. / Powell

Garysson Group - Cydcor
Scam! I worked there, got screwed and screwed others! Stop Them!

Kinetic Solutions, Cydcor
Cydcor ( Do not waste your time interviewing with these companies