An incompetent swindler with his paralegal howard kaiser an equally greedy and incompetent crooks


J. MICHAEL KELLY a crook and a thief attorney located at 429 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 120, Santa Monica 90401 USA. J. MICHAEL KELLY is an incompetent and confuse attorney because of his poor memory and HOWARD KAISER his paralegal an equally greedy and incompetent pair of crooks, dishonest from the first minute you enter their office they will take your retainer and promise you the best legal advice. This is a complete lie! They will ask you to sign a Legal Service Agreement which is normal with all attorneys except J. MICHAEL KELLY and his side-kick dedicates 3 of his 7 page agreement to the possibilities of any future disputes in which if you want to sue them for incompetence and get your money back you have to go through the slow process of Binding Arbitration. My advice don't sign any agreement with j. MICHAEL KELLY better yet shop and check with other attorneys believe me you will find good honest attorneys in Los Angeles DON'T HIRE J. MICHAEL KELLY he will give you the run around for months and never completes a simple OSC and when you pressure them then they turn around and offered you another legal maneuver then mail you a bill with inflated rates and legal cost and ask you for more money.

If you like to contact me I will be glad to give you all details from the first day until today I have all records and I don't plan to let him get away until he returns all my money.

J. MICHAEL KELLY also has a disciplinary actions against him recorded in State Bar of California you can check public reproval/with duties 99-O-10375 from 2000. For negligence and greed. And if you check the attorney who represented him in this hearing of Mar 1, you will find an unbelievable repeated disciplinary offender with a long record of disciplinary actions. All crooks stick together.

I retain J. MICHAEL KELLY for $390 per hour to help me settle a custody dispute of my young daughter with my ex-wife, I was already done from a previous attorney when I come to him then J. MICHAEL KELLY and HOWARD KAISER cleverly called my last attorney a monkey for not getting me Joint Custody (the last attorney did a good job I just didn't not like her bossy attitude) J. MICHAEL KELLY trick me into thinking that he can get me Joint legal custody. From the date I retain this crook June 13, then pass July, August, September, October, November never prepared the OSC and his office always giving me the run around then finally in early December I started panicking because I normally travel every year to Moscow to visit my Daughter as per previous court order and these pair of con artists continuing giving me the run around, to make the story short they never prepared my OSC and got some useless court order for the ex-wife not to harass me in Moscow which I was already in Moscow and ready for return to Los Angeles and J. MICHAEL KELLY never submitted to the courts until a week after I return from my 3 weeks visit to Moscow with my daughter. Please you tell me if I don't deserve my money back? J. MICHAEL KELLY and HOWARD Kaiser like a pair of swindlers use the law practice to rip me off and so far are getting away.

J. MICHAEL KELLY will tell you look at my website, he is definitely fooling hundreds of people with his deceiving website his website is a fraud it all false advertising he is a poser fooling consumers and sucking thousands of US dollars from naive vulnerable people seeking legal help. Don's commit the same mistake I made DO NOT HIRE THIS CROOK ATTORNEY J. MICHAEL KELLY or his paralegal HOWARD KAISER.

Company: J. MICHAEL KELLY Attorney
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Monica
Address: 429 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 120
Phone: 3103930236
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