First National Credit
Deceptive consumer rip-off fraud


I would like to first state that I wished that I had seen this site first before sending 43 dollars off with an additional 16.75 for first class next day air to get this sent off and get my "gold card" sooner. My sistuation is grim. I was getting this card to live off of untill I found another job so that me and my, was, soon to be wife could afford to get married and have some kind of credit to build off of. I Got the appliction And was hoping to get the wedding and our honey moon payed for by this card. While waiting me and my fiancae Ran into money troubles were telling all of our creditors and loan providers that we would be paing them off in full in a few weeks. Now thanks to This B$%^$%^T Card me and her are going to be in grim finacal triuble because we had hoped that this was a real deal not just a fruad. The computer that I am writing this on along with most of my posetions will have to be liquidated in the backruptcy that i will now have to file for because of this card. Thank you First National Credit for Giving me false hopes of being Stable until I found another job and letting me NOT build my credit back up. Now I have to Sell all of my possetions just to make ends meet when this card would have saved my money situation. CurtisHuachuca City, Arizona

Company: First National Credit
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8007991003
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First National Credit
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