Oracle Corporation
Stole my vested stock options and severance package and health insurance upon termination Ripoff


Oracle bought out the company my daugher worked for (Seibel Systems) and failed to honor the severance package after promising her 3 months of continued health insurance (she is disabled) plus stocks and severance pay. After multiple emails and phone calls to various people at Oracle who obviously tried to confuse me and ultimately ignored me, I find I have no place to turn to for help as even the Ethics department has done nothing to help. The CO notified her via email that everything was in place ie: insurance, stocks, etc. When I logged on to Etrade I saw that the stocks were gone!!! Then on Friday at 5pm I was told her insurance is canelled as of midnight that night. Now ETrade refusess to send me a copy of the stock report! Help what can I do? On top of that she is disabled and in so much pain and is unable to leave the house or to pursue this matter, unless I get an attorney which I cannot afford now that they refuse to send her my money! According to the DOL, I have read on line that many of their (Oracles) actions are illegal, but, I still dont know how to recover the severance pkg. And no one will cooperate with me at Oracle. They told me I am bothering them and to stop calling etc. I am doing my best to stay sane and help her.

Company: Oracle Corporation
Country: USA
State: California
City: Redwood City
Address: 500 Oracle Parkway
Phone: 6505061857
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