Precious Puppies
Sell sick puppies


Let me tell you about the "compassion" that Larry Silvey has for the animals in "his" store.

Yesterday my fiance and I purchased a 12 week old Labradoodle from Precous Puppies in Plantation. While articles on the net regarding the store name "Larry Silvey" as the owner, he claimed today he was teh store's trainer.

I am almost embarrased to mention the price we paid this puppy, it was a pretty penny. After we purchase was made, they give us antibiotics for her and instructions for same. We ask, "wait a minute" what is this for?" The tell us she has a "little cold". Red flags started waving for me, but I had already fallen in love with her and wanted nothing more than to take her home and have her start her new life with us.

When we got her home, she acclimated ok. We have a 15 week old Cairn Terrier and they seemed to get on fine. Towards the middle of the evening, the new pup, Kyla, started to act lethargic and was not interested in food or any treats. We chalked it up to the stress of adjustment to a new home/people. We gave her her antibiotic, some water and took her out for a last potty break. It was time for sleep, so we kissed her and put her in her crate for the night.

The next morning we wake up and the pup is barely moving. Obviously something is wrong with her. We got her to drink some water and we took her outside for potty. When we brought her back in, she just flopped on the kitchen floor, curled up in a tight ball, and closed her eyes.

Per the contact of sale (this sounds so crass when talking about a family member) we were to take the pup to a vet within 48 hours of purchase, or the contract would be void. If the pup was found to be sick, they would only cover costs of THEIR vet, no independent vet. Well, I wasn't about to take this obviously ill pup to the vet in which they told me had just inspected the pup and deemed her healthy.

We took the pup to our vet that I had taken my previous dogs to; one in which I had a 5 year relationship with.

Upon examination, blood work, stool work, we found out that the pup was running a high fever, has two types of parasites and they felt she very possibly has canine pnuemonia, but that would not be confirmed until after X-rays. The pup was required to be admitted to the hospital and we would be called in the morning as to her total condition and prognosis.

We admitted our pup and from the vet went straight to Precious Puppies (Plantation, Florida) to speak with the owner. We were told upon arrival that the owner was not in. A Larry, who claimed he was the trainer for the establishment came to the counter. When I started to describe the problems, he cut me off and asked why I didn't call them. I stated because the dog was very ill, I needed to take her to a vet. He said well the contract stated that you were required to take her to OUR vet. I asked "The same vet that yesterday your sales girl told us gave her a clean bill of health?" I was not about to take this pup to any vet that I did not know and trust, let aone one that had deemed her healthy when she was so obviously ill.

He started raising his voice saying that no way the store was going to pay the vet billed that we just incurred to the tune of $849.00. This on top of the $1,200.00 (yes, you read right) we spent for the dog. I raised my voice and again asked why would I take an obviously very ill animal to a vet practice that the stores staff has said 24 hours prior had given it a clean bill of health. He then screamed at my fiance and I to get out of his store and threatened to call the police. I invited him to call the police. He then pushed me with his chest and I told him to stop manhandling me. He said he had that right since I was interferring with commerce. Yep, that is all these young animals are to this establishment, COMMERCE.

We walked out of the store and he kept yelling that he was on the phone with the cops, trying to intimidate us. I told him that I would be more than happy to speak with them, and he would also be hearing from our attorney. He will be.

I didn't really expect any call from the real owner to ask about the exchange, or god forbid, how the puppy was. Nothing, nada, not a word from them.

In addition to the aformentioned problems the pup has, she is a good 5 pounds underweight and should not have been sold at that weight.

I have learned my lesson. I will NEVER buy an animal from a store again, nor will I endorse the sale of any animal through this means.

They cared NOTHING for the animal and everything for the money... The puppies are simply a commodity to be bought and sold at extremely inflated prices, no matter if they are healthy or severly ill.

"precious Puppies" is nothing but a puppy mill with prettier packaging.

Company: Precious Puppies
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Plantation
Address: 801 S University Drive
Phone: 9545783334
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