What color do you have to be to work for these people? Zycron was contracted by IBM who was contracted by HCA Hospitals to perform a tech refresh project. HCA didn't like IBM's bill rate. Told IBM to contract with a minority-owned firm


Stephanie Woodard-Majors is a damn liar! Zycron was contracted by IBM who was contracted by HCA Hospitals to perform a tech refresh project. HCA didn't like IBM's bill rate, so they told IBM to contract with a minority-owned firm (black of course). Our list of issues are as follows:

1. All of the leads are black and not qualified.
2. All of the leads fight amongst themselves in public.

3. Two leads have taken a half day off, but put 8 hours down on their timecards. They went to their court dates, so there's a public record of this.

4. These same two leads were seen STEALING old TV sets from the HCA Plano facility.

5. The blacks conspired to pull a race card on a white lead because he made them WORK!

6. They pulled a race card on an IBM engineer without the
basis to do so. This IBM guy REFUSES to work with them
anymore and reassigned himself to another project.

7. The blacks were cited in El Paso for coming in late and leaving early.

8. The blacks somehow manage to log 9-10 hours a day in
the course of an 8 hour day. This is permitted by

9. The blacks were chastised by HCA and IBM for loud
behavior while installing PC's in the operating rooms.

10. One doctor complained that his desk was "gone through" when a crew installed his printer. This area in the hospital was with the black team.

11. The blacks were sexually harassing females of all shapes and sizes in and outside of all HCA hospitals.

12. The blacks were discovered by IBM and HCA lounging around in a waiting area watching TV instead of WORKING!
13. When a crew goes out to install some PC's, they disappear for hours on end. Their radios turned off.

14. When you gripe to Stephanie Woodard-Majors at Zycron, she says, and I quote, "If you want to get along, you have to go along". Meaning shut up or you're fired.

15. One black lead has been seen yelling at the other techs when they complain of his non-performance. He was
reprimanded by IBM for this.
16. Zycron paychecks are usually a week late.
17. Zycron is supposed to pay you "benchtime" if there's
any downtime in the project. They recinded (or should I say "reneged) this policy that is in our contracts.
18. Zycron also promised to pay for holidays and this never happened. This too is in writing.

19. Zycron also changes your timecards after you submit
them online.

20. Zycron also promised in writing to give a 1-week notice if the project ended. We were done on 9/1 and didn't get the notice until 9/14. Without pay of course.

21. Zycron promised more work in other cities, but this won't materialize. Stephanie says we're in "limbo".
22. The leads single out the same few people to unpack 50 lb printers, while the rest of the "guys" sit around in the lobby.

23. The black guys have a competitive spirit amongst
themselves.in the workplace and in front of other people they take turns farting to see who's the loudest! This goes on in the staging areas, and God yes, ELEVATORS!

24. IBM had some work to hold part of the team over until
we presumeably go to El Paso. We were told to send in
our resumes and HCA would interview us. This never
happened. Paul just picked some of his guys. There were
no interviews. These people were selected on the basis
of race! There's one mexican, one oriental, and one
token white guy. The rest are all BLACK! I bet Bob at
IBM is pulling his hair out! Well, you get what you
deserve. I feel sorry for Ol' Bob. I really do. Poor,
dumb bastard.

There's more, but two dozen issues is plenty for now. Here's what we're doing. The Texas Workforce Commission has informed us that Zycron has been in violation of The Texas Payday Act for not paying on time. They are going to be fined "not more than the amount of the check". The EEOC has informed us that we may have a case against Zycron and there's going to be an investigation. IBM and HCA are going to perform an audit. I'll give you an example. IBM got on the blacks for not completing the paper work when they install a device. HCA needs information like SERIAL NUMBERS, ASSET TAGS, etc, because HCA never INVENTORIED their computers. How HCA came up with their depreciation schedules for "Computer Equipment" in their general ledger is beyond me! Anyway, IBM copied all of the paper work as PROOF the blacks were slacking off the next time they pull a race issue. This audit should prove interesting. The upcoming IRS audit of HCA should prove even more interesting. That whistleblower law sure came in handy, let me tell you!

I'll keep giving you updates as this thing progresses. Remember that if Zycron calls you and you're not BLACK, you're in for a bad deal. You'll work you're ass off for less pay. Stay away from Zycron and that closet liar Stephanie Woodard-Majors! Damn, I hate those hyphenated last names. I don't think she's ever had an orgasm in her life. Maybe she's a lezbo...

Company: Zycron
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Nashville
Address: 2620 Clarksville Pike
Phone: 8665771304
  <     >  


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