AM Press Associates
Mags R Us ripoff, scam


On February 27thof 06, I also purchased a magazine from two guys who were selling door-to-door with the same college tuition story.

After giving them $42.50 in cash, because I did not want to hand them my checking account info, I tracked them down and told them that I wasn't sure if I believed them. They gave me 3 phone numbers... 305-629-6298, it appears to be a fax number. 306-629-8604 which is a recording giving me another number to call. 1-866-667-4346. This number is a recording for their "corporate office" which gives another number to call 1-866-776-7828.

I actually talked to someone from one of these numbers, not sure which one, and was reassured that my contract with them would be fullfilled. I sent out a check that day for another $42.50 to pay off the subscription. A total of $85.

I waited until the end july before I tried to contact them again. Their recording states that all inquiries must be by mail with a copy of the receipt. My first letter to them questioned when would I get my magazine. They sent a letter back saying they had my info in the system incorrectly and to allow another 90 to 120 days for delivery.

About a week later, I received another letter stating that the magazine I selected is no longer available to them and please choose another magazine from the list the provided.

First of all, I was not interested in any other magazine but they were 1/8th the cost of what I had paid for. I declined their offer and gave them a choice to either refund my money or pay for a subscription, on-line, to the magazine that I paid for.

They sent me another letter stating that they gave me an $80 credit and to choose 4 magazines from the same list of garbage magazines.

They do not offer refunds unless you cancel your order within 3 days from the day you paid. How can you do that if the only way they can be contacted is by mail? It will take at least 4 days to make it thru the mail system.

They have it all figured out. I have sent a letter with all their correspondence to the Orlando Sentinel and plan to do the same with all other major city newspapers as well as the statewide news stations. I will also be contacting the States Attorney Office.

I have DNA & fingerprints on the letters they have sent to me so hopefully they are in the system and wanted by the authorities.

Enough is enough and I will not go away until I am satisfied.
Wish me luck!!

Company: AM Press Associates
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: Po Box 226860
Phone: 8667767828
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Am Press Associates
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