Kirby - VIII
Kirby - VIII Ripoff Employment warning shaddy sales tactics


Hey evyerbody.
I know there is alot of slagging the Kirby Corp. I want to start of by saying the DO make a good product, and that out of the right office they can be sold right. I worked for VIII Buffalo NY for about five days before I jumped ship. It started out as I would be selling "modular systems" (I thought central Vac.) and Chemicals to companies and persons who called us and asked about our product. I then came to find out that a Dealer Assistant would be setting appointments, to it was door to door but the DA's were doing it, to If your DA isn't doing a good job you can create your own oppertunites to... You WILL go door to door and create you own opertunites.

Now that said, This was simply not a job for me. The hours are all over the map, the pay is all over the map and they advance people WAY to quickly. It is possible to make a lot of money at the Kirby corp. I went to pick up my check and the guy with me sold 4 vacumes that week and did have a fairly sizeable check.

If you do go to work for them Beware these things
1.) They will Lie to get you in the door
2.) They will lie to keep you in the door
3.) You are an Independant dealer... Thus they can do what they want to you shy of physical sexual or meantal abuse
4.) They will confuse the hell out of you.
I sold a Vac durring my Traning weekend to my grandmother at a substantial discount. I made 100 dollars on the sale. I should have made 475! We were told anything we sold that weekend was considered full price for our share of the cut... And that we would get an extra bonus. I got 50 for the vac for selling it under 1200 and 50 becuase she paid in cash. That being said, if you don't like to work for 15 hours a day for no garenteed pay... By all means. If your a total jackass and can sell a guy his own shirt... This is the job for you. You can make good money, if you don't mind not having a life, or time, or the fact that your lugging a 22lb. Peice of equipment behind you in the hot sun all day and in the bitter cold all winter!

Company: Kirby - VIII
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Buffalo
Address: 4640 Broadway
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