Time Life
Deceptive advertising on TV, had to ask their customer rep 3 times before he would reveal the price


Time Life advertised a set of 10 CDs with 150 songs of the 70s on TV, without making it clear what the product would cost.instead they limited their information to "$ 10 for a trial period" making it sound like these 10 CDs would cost $ 10, - For the first 500 callers they would waive the shipping of $ 15, - When I called I asked their customer rep: "Is the whole set really only $ 10, -?" and he went, "yes, for a trial period of 14 days" and then, when I repeated my question "how much are you going to charge me for the set?" he went like " $ 25, -" and later he added "... Per month".

Even after repeating my question several times, he would not reveal the price for the whole set (that was actually advertised)- obviously Time Life trains their people not to give out clear answers: I would never buy anything from a company with deceptive sales methods, no matter what it is. They don't seem to be honest.

Company: Time Life
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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