IRL Of Georgia


As a few others, I have had my run in with them also. I received a phone call for which I was not home for. My cousin was here. I had been expecting a call to order something but not from IRL of Georgia. My cousin answered the phone and the next thing I find out when I got home from work was I had been roped. IRL of Georgia called. They called offering this great deal on magazines for only over $900.00 Yes, the infamous $58.24 for the next 16 months. Well, I at first didn't think there was anything I could do about it but then thought again. They had my credit card # and supposedly a voice recording. My cousin had given them my card # thinking it was the call I was waiting on which it wasn't. Anyways, I called IRL of Georgia requesting cancellation of their services of which I did not order. I called them at their number telling them I didn't order and I wanted this cancelled. They simply told me, NO, there is no cancellation policy. So I hung up. I called my credit card company and they told me that they couldn't do anything about it til it posted to my account. About 2 weeks went by and it had disappeared or so I thought, then Bam, there it was. I sent an email to my cc company disputing the transaction and they in turn contacted IRL. Guess what? A credit for the $58.24 posted to my account. I started receiving bills and the magazines. Well, I have not paid the bill and will not. I contacted the magazines that I begun to receive through email. 2 of them cancelled, 2 of them suspended my account, 2 of them tell me they can't do anything and to contact the agency where they were ordered thru and 1 I have not heard from. My? On this is, if the magazines or coming to you, why can't you cancel them?

I also wrote IRL a letter stating that I did not order or do not desire their business. I also sent the mags I had received back to them. Bet they weren't expecting that. Well, I received a letter back from them saying that "I'm sorry to hear you want to discontinue your service with the IRL Service and that you want to cancel. Let me tell you why we haven't been able to do this for you." And it goes on. Supposedly they enclosed a copy of my agreement for my reference. Well, imagine my suprise when there is no agreement in the envelope as I did not sign one. Well, to sum it up, I figure that they are just going to keep harassing me even though I did not order these mags, and I sent them back, and they have not received any money from me, so I sent a complaint to the BBB of Georgia. I am hoping that they can get this matter resolved and soon.

Company: IRL Of Georgia
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Marietta
Address: PO Box 72558
Phone: 8002515249
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