Brian Keith Nutt Sr
Ripoff Dead Beat Father of SIX~MAYBE MORE!


Brian Nutt Sr. Drives a H2 and has a new Harley.
Years ago the a*! Hole had the state deem him "disabled" and he is only required to pay $25 per month for our daughter and son. He is a self employed realtor, when he got the H2 I called the dealer and they told me a self employed realtor would have to show a minimum $75K for three years on a tax return!!!

He has plenty of comfort in his life (we don't) including basic essentials such as food. He is a real estate agent in Centralia WA and if his broker/clients knew how imbalanced his priorites were I am sure there would be adjustments made and his commission checks GARNISHED.

His daughters 16th birthday is coming up. I suggested to him he skip a Hummer or Harley payment to send her a nice cash gift~ maybe we could buy some GROCERIES.
This website is a good start to expose the imbalance. If there are any Attorneys that could help me, I would really appreciate it.

Company: Brian Keith Nutt Sr
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Centralia
Address: 1608 South Gold Street
Phone: 3605089727
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