Neo Tech, Novus Tek, I & O Publishing Company
Neo Tech, Novus Tek, Neo Tech, I & O Publishing Company These sly


Attention anyone out there who is still as ignorant/gullible as I used to be:

Stop it! And also never order anything from the neo tech companies, ever!

I'm from Australia and in February I recieved like a ten page letter from them in an airmail envelope. It rambled on and on about a 'secret society of casanovas, artists and scientists, blah-blah' who had found out about me and my 'unique' talents waiting to be unleashed. They wouldn't say who they were of course, disquised under a deceptive blanket of pseudonyms, but they were offering me a free booklet which would reveal all of their secrets and allow me to:

* - Lose all the weight I wanted, effortlessly, virtually overnight.
* - Control anyone, man or woman and never allow anyone to get the better of me.
* - Make everybody like me and want to be my friend.
* - Become rich beyond my wildest dreams.

Naturally, the *&*&* detectors were sounding in my head, but considering that it was free, I decided to be open-minded and try it, figuring I had nothing to lose.

2 months later, after forgetting about the whole thing, I received the book in the mail along with an order form for yet another book. The book looked like it was printed on toilet paper (seriously) and it contained a bunch of stories from fake-name tossers about winning big and scoring girls with Neo-Tech secrets. The stories were all written in a suspiciously uniform style, with mention of a weird ghost town in nevada.

Back then, I was unemployed and naiive and decided, much to my later regret, to order the Neo Tech Discovery, which cost me around one hundred and fifty something (memory ain't too great: P) When I recieved the book, a month later, same thing; it was also printed on some cheap toilet paper and contained a bunch of words like non-sequitur and get this... ENTELECHY, yeah everyone who at-least passed english in high school should know this one!

After reading the book, I didn't feel any different, even though they promised that the words would fill me with a magical feeling or some crap and even if I didn't understand it I would absorb all of it subconsciously. It's been over a year since I read the book and I can honestly say that the owner of the Neo Tech company is none other than a lazy thief who can't think of a better way to rake in the dollars. If there is a God, Devil and Hell, I hope you go straight to Hell; while your on earth though, jail will do just fine! The only thing I learnt from the book is that it was a heap of hypocrisy. I urge anyone out there with the desire to never hear how stupid they are, not to order this book, or any other product from the company. I'm still beating myself up for being such an ass! Lol

Tell everyone you know and spread it like wildfire... NEO TECH AKA NOVUS TEK AKA NOUVEAU TECH AKA I & O PUBLISHING COMPANY SUCKS!

Do the smart thing, use the money to do something productive or at least beneficial to society.


Company: Neo Tech, Novus Tek, I & O Publishing Company
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
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The Nouveau Tech Society

Neo Tech
Got ripped off from neo tech Grove City

Nouveau Tech Society

Nouveau Tech Society
AKA Neo-Tech Total Scam, and Clifton, New Jersey

The Nouveau Tech Society
They sent me an 8-letter mail say that if I order The Nouveau Tech Discovery it can reveal secret and get me money, power, and love etc. Ripoff

Nouveau Tech
Neo Tech ripoff cult

NT Secret Society, Nova Tech, Neo Tech
NT Society, Nova Tech, Neo Tech It is all a scame, I am a vic of NT Socirty. I sent them $150.00 Can. For a 659 pg book of garbage

Nouveau Tech Society
And Kevin Trudeau in cahoots?

Neo-Tech - Noveau Tech Society
Liars and cheats, promise free secrets, and want you to buy a book Supposedly In New Jersy (but why foreign first class mail)

Nouveau Tech Society
Neuveau tech society got me for the first two books Ripoff