NT Secret Society, Nova Tech, Neo Tech
NT Society, Nova Tech, Neo Tech It is all a scame, I am a vic of NT Socirty. I sent them $150.00 Can. For a 659 pg book of garbage


Like many others I too received this wounderful letter that said that I was special, and that I could become rich with out even trying. After I read this letter I was dumb enough to send in the form for the first "instalment" the NT Orientation booklet. I read and reread every word on every page.in the back of my mind there was a voice telling me to burn that paper and never look back. The things that they said were mine if I only sent them $150.00 can. They sent me that letter just at the right time to pull me in.

I was in debt for over $60,000.00, my marrage was on the verg of falling apart, I was over waight, I was dealing with a by-poler disorder. This piece of paper in my hand was offering a way out. It was like a ray of sun shine on the blackest of stormy days. So I withdrew $150.00 off my visa and mailed it to them.

Weeks went by and nothing. I cryed all the time, I really thought that I had done something wrong and that is why thay did not send me the book. Finaly about 1 1/2 months later, to my serprise, after I had given up all hope. I did receive the "Neo Tech package of inside secrets. Writen by Wallace, Alexander, Savage. It's a big black book of 665 pages. When I received the book I ran up to my room, locked the door and read, and read. It took me 3 days, but I read the whole book. It is filled with garbage that insalts any persons intelagence. I cryed after I read it. I mean how can these people sleep at night.

I hope that some one reads my story and it stops them from loosing ther hard earned money. After all that just yesterday in the mail I received yet another letter, saying that I am even more special than they first thought so they have assigned me a NT Society mentor. Some ritch guy who wants to help me become rich, by showing me exactly how to use the "secrets" all I have to do is send them $152.00 can. For the next book (they said the first book was the only book I ever had to have) and of course I have to send it in 5 days. Yeah that will happen!

T. Grundy
Brampton, Ontario

Company: NT Secret Society, Nova Tech, Neo Tech
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Los Vegas
Address: Po Box 95338
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