Skip Chip
Ripoff acworth


This individual shot and killed our pet dog, an syberian husky our dog is fenced in, he was 2 years old, weighed approx 45 lbs was a family pet, we have grown children, and small grandchildren from infants, 2 years old and 4 years old. Our dogs name is Bo.

Bo would never bit a human, not even if human threatened. He did however get out of our fenced in area and attack a cat. The cat owner took his cat to the vet. He did not know we were dog owner. We put out flyers for dog missing, Bo never been away from home overnight before. Cat owner seen flyer informed us his cat was harmed by our dog, I told him i would pay all damages, ask about our dog, he informed me that his neighbor shoot and killed
our dog, I ask his name, he said his name was Skip Chip.

I informed him i would seek to file charges against the killer, he told me he would come over to collect the money for his cat.

He informed dog killer that i knew of his murder. The killer came with cat owner to ask me to drop any charges, i said no. We paid the cat owner and told him we were sorry. The dog killer in his own defence said our dog threatened hid Black lab full grown dog. I ask him was your dog hurt in any way, he said no,

Then why did you kill our dog, he stated his kids were in his house and afraid to go outside, ok, smart to keep them in not knowing if dog was a threat, we know he was not. Problem, he decided in all this to go get his gun, load it, then shoot and kill our pet. Stray dogs come into our yard on a daily basis,

Our dogs are fenced, so we shoo them away, sometimes they dont go right away, we just leave them alone, they eventually leave.

I ask him has your dog ever gotten away, he said yes, several times, how would you feel if i had shot your dog, he said he would be mad!!! My two year old grandaughter cried, said why did the man kill BO, he is a good dog, is he bleeding, then she started calling BO, as though he would come home. No, he will never come home, the killer after killing him burried the evidence, he did admit it after his neighbor told us. He never called, only came after finding out we knew he did it. Want us
to just drop it. Is there any justice?

Company: Skip Chip
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Acworth
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