National Magazine Exchange
Do not Want to be Ripped Off


I made the mistake of placing an order with this company yesterday. Not to my surprise, they have already billed me thirty some odd dollars. I pretty much knew the sweepstakes part was a scam, and I am an avid magazine reader, and I was interested in seeing what deals they had. The free gift offers also aided my decision to order from them. They were very courteous, but at the same time I knew these people were just "making a sale" because of the fast paced adreneline talking they were doing. The magazine deal they offered me seemes like a good deal, but technically you do not pay the amount of 1.27 a week. You pay your entire subscription in larger sums. I was relunctant when told that, and nonetheless, I decided to take the lowest payment plan they offer, which was thirty some odd dollars over a period of 6 months. To make a long story short, although it was entirely my fault because I CALLED THEM, I still feel as if I was a victim of words that panited a pretty picture, and I even felt uneasy about it as I was doing, but they got me. It was THEN that I decided to investigate the company, and I didn't find one good thing about them, and sadly enough they are not in good standing with the BBB, and have almost 300 reports claimed. I called this moring to cancel and the lady I spoke to was kind. I explained to her that I was uneasy about he BBB reports. She told me it was not true... But come on... Why would the BBB lie? It is their sole purpose to report to the public issues with companies. She said I would be refunded the amount, and that my account was cancelled. But after reading on here about people that are still billed, and then turned over to collections, without a refund or cancellation, I am starting to wonder if I will fall victim to that as well. I did ask her name, her employee number, and received a cancellation number. I also asked her about reports to credit bureaus, and she said that they do not do that... I presume that is not true. I do have a question to anyone who cares to respond. Have you also cancelled, been refunded, given a cancellation number, and then still be billed and bound to this company? I will certaintly cancel my debit card, but I am afraid I will have to call all the Credit bureaus myself to protect my score. Please leave any comments you may have, whether it be a critical rebuttal or what have you.

Company: National Magazine Exchange
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 16120 U>S> 19 North
Phone: 8883336247
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National Magazine Exchange
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