Cecil Dorrell Calloway
Dead Beat Dad Ripoff


I have been working with the Denver Colorado Child Support Bureau for five or more years trying to get my ex husband, Cecil Calloway, to pay his child support. I have followed the regulations that the Child Support Bureau says that I have to follow, yet this only allows my ex husband to continue to defy every law known to man. I have been more than willing to work with them
and with him, even so much as to accept a lowered child support payment during which time my ex husband was unemployed and receiving unemployment benefits for more than a year. My children are now 19,16, and 14 and have not seen their dead beat of a father in over 13 years. He left California and our three children after our divorce and moved out of the country to avoid his child support payments. He was living in Denmark until he and his new wife decided to come back to the United States and settle in Colorado. He evaded child support agencies from June 1994 until July.

Since locating him living in Colorado in June it has been a constant fight to get him to pay child support for his children. I am lucky to see more than year of consistent payments. I have written the Colorado Governors office and the President about this situation on two separate occasions concerning the enforcement of my child support order and the lack of support. That is usually when he quits his job and goes on unemployment for a while.

He was charged with contempt of court May 27th but nothing was ever been done to hold my ex husband accountable. He will continue to avoid child support as much as he can because he has no one holding him accountable. He never reports his new employment status; he continually quits one job to start another just so he can avoid child support payments for three or so months at a time. When you are living on a budget that type of inconsistency can be devastating. He still has possession of his passport and is currently traveling outside of the country, despite his arrearage balance. Currently he has again went into arrears to the tune of $1100.00 since January 23, and total arrears in the amount of $34,581.48 dating back to June 1993. Of the $34,581.48 that he owes, more than $17,000.00 belongs to his children; the other $17,000.00 belongs to the state of California during the time I was forced to be on AFDC because of his lack of support.

I am hoping that I will some how reach someone who truly cares about the welfare of children who are continually denied the support that both parents should provide. I do my part. I have struggled through years of working jobs that most women wouldn't even consider.

Cecil has shirked his financial responsibility from day one and continues to do so because no one will tell him he must do otherwise. Under the Federal Child Support and Recovery Act of 1992 and the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1998 he should have been charged with a felony for his continued defiance of his court order for support and yet he hasn't had so much as a slap on the wrist. He has met all of the criteria allowed to prosecute under these two Federal Child Support Acts and yet he has not. One has to wonder why these laws even exist if they are not enforced?

A father who refuses to take care of his own children should not be allowed to walk the streets while his children go hungry. If I were to stop supporting my children, they would have no food, clothes, or housing, and I would be charged with child abuse and face jail time. Why should it be any different for a father to be allowed to shirk his financial obligation to his children and not have face similar punishment? This father is abusing his children by allowing them to go without the necessities do them when he helped bring them into the world!

Please help my children get the support they deserve. My current support order is for $550.00 per month for two children plus an additional $200.00 per month on the arrears he owes. Cecil Calloway continues to avoid his obligations while his minor children suffer. I have gone above and beyond what any normal person would do for a deadbeat dad who continues to turn his head the other way as I try and struggle to care for our children. Child Support Laws are failing my children. Please help me if you can

Parkersburg, West Virginia

Company: Cecil Dorrell Calloway
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
Address: 3255 South Parker Road #2709
Phone: 3035582134
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