Scam With Calvalry Portfolio Services ripoff: Asking me to pay late fee, intrest on phone that didnt work


I had Sprint PCS Service in Ft Lauderdale Florida about 6 years back. I had purchased a motorola Star Tac Phone from them and was originally a nice phone, however.

My phone became faulty and would switch to ROAMING mode even when I was using the phone in my own home. I was not aware of the problem until I had tried to use my phone and my srvice was interrupted. I called customer service and explained that my phone was disconnected, but I couldn't understand why as I had just paid it a few days earlier. They said I had gone over my spending limit of $150.00 and couldnt trun my phone back on until I would pay it down. I explained I had just made a payment recently to take it well below my limit and wasn't sure why my minutes or spending limit would accellerate in only 2 days? They said the problem was that I was using "roaming minutes" and that I needed to make a payment. Being I had been working full time and not traveling anywhere outside of my immediate area I sadi this is impossible. My phone must be either crossing lines with another phone or my phon is in bad repair. I stated that due to the terms and conditions of my contract they needed to replace the phone so I could end this problem. Also I demande that they credit me the fraudulent minutes so I could have my service back on. I worked on that phone for my business so it was imperative that my business continue with the phone resolved. They refused to help me in any way what-so-ever. I told them that it makes no sense to pay them money for minutes I didnt use, oaming I didnt do, and a phone that doesnt work. They sai well then do you want to cancel your service? I out of frustration said yes. Just to end this type of service and ignorance I was willing to negotiate and even pay if I had to the disconnect fee, I had began to recieve bills from Sprint for $400.00 and more for the balance of the minutes I had supposedly used, the disconnect fee, and the intrest on the late payments...

Today in 2006 the Cavalry Portfolio Servie is attamping to collect $978.99 fom me...

I had recieved a phone call from them abotu 6 months ago. A very rude man demanded I pay them and that they would not leave me alone until I paid. I explained the story above and told him I was willing to settle on a much smaller amount, $150.00 to be exact. HE began to insult me and harass me saying I was a liar and I was going to get tagged on my credit report as long as it would take...

Does anyone have any sugestions or sulutions for me?

Please advise... It is killing my credit and I don't have an extra $1000.00 to solve this nor do I think i should... Please advise...

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Ft Lauderdale
Address: 606 E. Broward Blvd
Phone: 9543565740
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