WhiteOverNite - SKYFISSION
Ripoff internet advertising fraudulent and dishonest billing debit and credit card fraud refuse to refund


I received an unsolicited ad on my email that looked interesting. It was from WhiteOverNite, for a free trial sample of their tooth-whitening product for $3.95 shipping. It seemed reasonable, so I clicked on it and it took me immediately to the address and payment information. I noticed that there was no other pertinent information available on that ad, and I was a little hesitant. My 15 yr. Old son was watching the whole process, and encouraged me to try it since it wasn't very expensive. So I put in my information, figuring they would send me further info when I received the product. The "free" sample had not arrived yet, when I noticed, five days after ordering the $3.95 "Free" Sample, that an unauthorized $106.90 had been withdrawn from my bank account by WhiteOverNite. (The first $3.95 was withdrawn by Skyfission LLC.) My Bank said they would send me investigation papers, and gave me a phone number, which I called, and of course, got only an answering machine for a customer Service Rep. I left a message, telling them I wanted the money returned to my account.

One day AFTER the money had been withdrawn from my account, I received another e-mail advertisement that had full details, the details of the "free" transaction I had made—that I had automatically enrolled into an autoship program, saying "within 14 days of placing you order, you will automatically be shipped a 60 day supply billed at$99.95 plus shipping and handling... The Auto-Ship service is not only FREE, but the shipping and handling fee is discounted for only $6.95. If after using WhiteOverNite free supply and first shipment, you decide you do not want you next 60 day shipment simply contact us 30 days before... Due... Please note that there are no refunds on the first shipment of the Auto-Ship program... AI authorize the charrge for my free supply plus shipping of $3.94 and also authorize to be chargedfor the autoship program of $99.95 plus $6.95 shipping. For my convenience, please delay the autoship charge to within 14 says of my first charge of $3.95... By clicking on "Process Card", I agree to all the above items."

Of course NONE of this information was on the first advertisement that I replied to. If it had been, I would NEVER have agreed to buy the "free 7 day sample." No one in their right mind would ask to be billed for 60 days of tooth whitener that they had never even tried. They make it sound confusing so you still think the first shipment is the "free' thing you ordered. Also notice that the money was taken out of my account before 14 days, before I ever received even the "Free" sample, and before I had any further information to go on.

When I called WhiteOverNite again, only 1 week later, I got a real person this time, who told me that the 60 day supply had been shipped on the day my money was taken out, (though I still have not received it.) I told them of the fraudulent way they had advertized, and that I had no knowledge of this $106.90 being authorized. They said even if I returned the product, it was non-refundable. I have never heard of a legitimate company that would not refund you if you refused their product, or returned their product unused and unopened.

Take my advice, and never, never, never try free things. There are always strings attached, and worse, those strings lead right to your bank account. Never do business with White Over Nite. They will definitely Rip You Off.

Mona, Utah

Company: WhiteOverNite - SKYFISSION
Country: USA
State: California
City: Mountain View
Address: 800 E1 Camino Rio, Suite#180
Phone: 9099303060
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Charged before policy ripoff

Skyfission - Whiteovernite
Skyfission - whiteovernite ripoff Internet

WhiteOverNite, Skyfission, NovaPointe, ProductTestPanel/Consumer Research Corporation
WhiteOverNite, Skyfission LLC, NovaPointe, Product Test Panel, Consumer Research Corporation ripoff, scam, takes unauthorized money from account, no calls or emails are answered

Ripoff, scam, fraud, misleading, dishonest, illegal

WhiteOverNite - Novapointe - BurnFatHoodia - SkyFission
WhiteOverNite - Novapointe - SkyFission -BurnFatHoodia ripoff Charged my credit card for $106.90 for product I did not authorize and refuses to issue refund

White Over Nite
White Over Night Ripoff dishonest fraudulent advertising no free trial you will be billed!

Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing misrepresentation of product

Fraudulent activities on internet about whiteovernite company ripoff Internet


Skyfission, WhiteOverNite
Company is a total rip -off, Will take money from your bank account without your authorization. When you can prove that you did not authorize, the