Covenant Transport
Covenant convent continued


OK i ran out of room with the first report which covered my training so with this ill finish

So i finaly got on a truck to do my 30 days team that is there "policy" these drivers cannot move the truck with out the other guy (who knows no more then the other of driveing) unless of corse like in my case they need an abanded truck picked up 500 miles away witch they then will only pay you solo rate pay for,

Also while going over donners pass i told dispatch, eddie hamleton, "hey its feb. I need to carry chains with me" after argueing for 3 days i still got none being told i didnt need them and one in house employie actualy said to me you dont need them in cali i said im going over donner she said wheres that?

So after 3 months with this co. I still didnt have my own truck so when my co drive wanted to take time off i wasent happy to set in miss. For 3 days after witch my codriver desided to quit and i was told to drive to the nearest termenal to be re-teamed
i couldnt bear the thought of waiting another 2 weekes in some town with no pay i told them id take there truck to the term. Then id be going home

If i ever have to hear that driver satisfaction is there #1 consern while im setting on hold for an hour, or hear what score david parker got on a truck compition where someone was telling him every move to make i might have to hurt someone.
Actully david if you read this get in touch with me id love to have a face to face "talk", but that wouldnt be very christion of me not like praying off of students you can pay dirt and treat worse while flooding the indistery with poorly trained "drivers" with a bad outlook on the whole job.

But im sure theres a special place for blood-suckers like you, pack your shorts and bring plenty of water.

Company: Covenant Transport
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Chattanooga
Address: 3000 Cummings RD
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