Ebc Properties
Stoled everything my family owned


In May while there was no one home he had his workers come and take everything out of the apartment that we (my family).

We were late on our rent but thought we had worked out getting it paid. He said that he served us an eviction notice, we never saw anything.

He also said he put notice on the door, we never saw it either.

A week or two earlier he was served papers to fix numerous items in the apartment, He then raised the rent $50.00. Which is against the law in wichita, kansas.

It is also against the law for a landlord to possess you belongings. But to my amazement the poice did nothing as it was a civil matter.

My older daughter was evicted and my younger daughter signed a new lease and said he didnt care if my older daughter stayed.

There was a notice on the door the day he (Wes Smith) had his workers remove all of our belongings. The eviction was in my older daughters name.

They would not even give us our medications, legal papers, nothing.

Therefore he had our leases so we could not prove anything.

Later we contacted Mr. Smith and said we had the money to pay to get our stuff returned. He had one excuse after another why we could not come and get it. We finally gave up.

We did try to find an attorney, but they all said it was a lost cause.

My mother had just passed away and my father before her and I had all of my keepsakes from them, pictures (cannot be replaced) cloths, shoes, all of our furniture, all kitchen appliances (including a refrigerator), dishes dining room furniture, washer and dryer.

All of these material things dont mean as much as personal and keepsakes.

We did find out that has done this to other people, and is known as a slumlord.

The apartment was actully not liveable in, he would never fix anything. For the entire time we were there we had no kitchen sink, and under the sink was a hole where a opossum visited us.

My grand son also lost all of his stereo equipment, cloths and personal belongings.

We did talk to the housing authority who tried to help us.

Thank You

Company: Ebc Properties
Country: USA
State: Kansas
Address: 622 North Saint Francis Street
Phone: 3162635380
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