Free Spirit Jeans
Ripoff, crooks, frauds consumer rip-off fraud


After reading all of the reports I can't believe that so many of us were ripped off and free spirit jeans is still in business!
My story is a carbon copy of the others. Ordered the free jeans.
Received nothing. After almost two years and many complaints, I've received nothing, NOTHING... But promises in the wind.
I would encourage everyone to take a stand against this apparently corrupt company.

I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau at I hope everyone else will follow suit.

We can't let this happen to another individual.
I am determined to fight the fight and I hope you are too.

Houston, Texas

Company: Free Spirit Jeans
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Gladwyne
Address: Pennsylvania
Phone: 2155741860
  <     >  


Free Spirit Jeans - FSF Jeans Aka FS Jeans
Free Spirit Jeans Aka FSF Jeans Aka FS Jeans ripoff

Free Spirit Jeans
Free Sprit Jeans, PA, Free Jeans Giveaway SCAM!

Free Spirit Jeans
Is a BIG TIME ripoff! Pennsylvania &, USA

Free spirit jeans
Free spirit jeans is a big ripoff scam

Free Spirit Jeans
Ripoff, scam consumer fraud ripoff fraudulent internet business

Free Spirit Jeans
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud Free Spirit Jeans, PA

Free Spirit JEans
Free Spirit Jeans Rip-off

Free Spirit Jeans
Victimized many consumers

Free Spirit Jeans
STOP, COLLABORATE, and LISTEN heres a story about a FREE SPIRIT JEANS Addition. They will scam you all up in your face, then take your money. Oh, what a disgrace!