Free Spirit Jeans
Ripoff consumer rip-off fraud Free Spirit Jeans, PA

Education & Science

After waiting over a year for the free jeans and over another year for a refund, I've gotten nothing but automated B.S. Responses from the customer service contact, and I NEVER get a real person when I call the phone number on the website. I've finally filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau at philadelphia@ easternpa.
and the Federal Trade Commission at
www.ftc. Gov.

I'm also going to file a small claims suit against them locally and at least obtain a judgement, including punitive damages. I encourage everyone out there to do the same. Companies like this deserve to be hammered to death.

Company: Free Spirit Jeans
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Gladwyne
Address: PO BOx 589, Gladwyne PA 19035
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Free Spirit Jeans - FSF Jeans Aka FS Jeans
Free Spirit Jeans Aka FSF Jeans Aka FS Jeans ripoff

Free Spirit Jeans
Is a BIG TIME ripoff! Pennsylvania &, USA

Free Spirit Jeans
Free Sprit Jeans, PA, Free Jeans Giveaway SCAM!

Free Spirit Jeans
Ripoff, crooks, frauds consumer rip-off fraud

Free Spirit Jeans
Victimized many consumers

Free spirit jeans
Free spirit jeans is a big ripoff scam

Free Spirit Jeans
Ripoff, scam consumer fraud ripoff fraudulent internet business

Free Spirit
Jeans ripoff they never sent the "free" jeans and it has been over 5 years Wilmingto

Free Spirit JEans
Free Spirit Jeans Rip-off

Free Spirit Jeans
STOP, COLLABORATE, and LISTEN heres a story about a FREE SPIRIT JEANS Addition. They will scam you all up in your face, then take your money. Oh, what a disgrace!