Northwest Police Station
Ripoff Dishonest police officers, harrass law abiding citzens, murders


Northwest police officers refused my childrens father Daric Bishop hospital treatment and left him to die in the back of a police wagon on October 30. They are responsible for a number of beatings and deaths of black males. They only arrest drug dealers who do not pay them. The whole police department schould be fired and placed on trial for their illegal actions.

Company: Northwest Police Station
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Baltimore
Address: Reistertown Road
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Palmyra Police Department Wisconsin

American Medical Response
After arrest and against my will billed me $728.61 for half mile ride to psychiatric hospital Seattle Washington

Bentonville Sheriff's Department
Winn Dana Bad cop! Lie's, pushy, doesn't care if you say your done talking, refuses to leave when asked

Andover Police Department
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We support the men and women of the law enforcement community

Northwest Newark NJ Airport
I'm going to be arrested for wearing a rocawear rhinestone belt

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Andover Police Department
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R L A INC. Magazine Sales
Police tried to arrest!