Cristy Jean Garrett Lamb
Still A Dead Beat Crazy Stalking Dope Head


This idiot is now 6000 dollars behind in child support and hasn't payed nothing. Took us to court to see the child and never set up visitations to do so. Also threw a fit and cried and whined in court saying we would not let her talk to the child on the phone court gave her phone visitation tues and thurs has called a total of 3 times on the wrong days. This is over a span of 3 months. Still doesn't have a job nor tries is living three houses from us with a known dope dealer and stalking us taking pictures and ect.

Have a court date jan 6th of next month too see if the judge will let her keep her parental rights Lets Hope Not for the childs sake. Also this dumb crazy crackhead has not even tried to attempt to see the child in two years ain't see something lol

Company: Cristy Jean Garrett Lamb
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Paris
Address: 1407 N Market St
Phone: 7316416149
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Cristy Jean Garrett Lamb
Dead beat mom child abuser dope head

Department Of Social Services Child Support Collection Unit
Charge child support for a child that has lived with me for 12 years ripoff

Thomas W. Hunter
Ripoff dead beat dad above the law in his own mind ignorant selfish living the high life dead beat dad

Rodney Lenn Galbraith
Not only a dead beat dad but he physically and mentally abuses his wife and children he does see

Jesus Ramirez Aka Cheuy
Drug dealer dead beat dad who cant afford to pay child support

Goodhue County
Judge Clark Deprvation of Parental Right is Ok in this Court

Arapahoe County District Family Court
Biases veiws towards men in my divorce proceedings

Melissa Knapp-Mayer
Dead Beat Mom

North Carolina State Government, Child Support Enforcement
No justice

Demas ralph miller
Is a dead beat father