Rodney Lenn Galbraith
Not only a dead beat dad but he physically and mentally abuses his wife and children he does see


Rodney has 3 children that anyone knows of, possibly more. One mother stripped him of his parental rights, one child lived with him from the time she was six until sixteen because the mother took off, and he mentally and physically abused this child to the point that she eventuall pulled a knife on him and tried to stab him. The third child, my child, hasn't seen him in almost 3 years.

He is about $10,000 behind in child support, plus court costs and damages owed to me from the last time he did see her he failed to return her from his visitation. He accused me of child abuse to try to get the custody moved to Alabama so he could manipulate the court sustem down there. The child lives in Illinois where the court system had already figured out he was a big LOSER. We had to go to Alabama and hire an attorney and go through court to get her back, and I did get her back!

He did have charges filed against him in Illinois and he didn't show up for court. He has a warrant for his arrest for not appearing, and he refuses to pay child support. I don't want to pursue him for the money because my daughter is still traumatized from their last vistit and thinking she wasn't going to see her mother again.

I just want everyone to know what deadbeat trash he is, and if you hire him, he is a truck driver who ownes his own truck, you are enabling him to be a deadbeat. Also he is getting divorced for the 4th time, so if you are dating him, run for the hills because he is abusinve, physically and mentally, and he may be sweet and the victim of all his troubles but that is all an act because he is the victimizer, and he is far from innocent, he wreaks havoc and turmoil where ever he goes!

Company: Rodney Lenn Galbraith
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Pisgah
Address: 236 County Rd 78
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