Golden One Benefits
Frank Younger - Steve Miller, Ripoff, Frauds, Scam Artists, Liars


In July I was contacted by Golden One Benefits. They were offering a credit card with a 2500.00 credit limit for 279.95. Looking to re-build my credit I bought into it. They took the money form my account on July 25.

By August 10th I had not received anything from them so I contacted them. I spoke with Frank Younger he informed me that I needed to allow 8-10 weeks for the package (just enough time to not be able to file a compaint with your bank). He told me that I should have it by the following week.

I waited another week and still nothing so I contacted him again. He said he would check into it for me and to call him back in 10 mins. I called him back and ofcourse he had another excuse (this man can't tell the difference between a truth and a lie if it bit him in the back side!) he told me that he had checked with the bank and that they would be sending it to me in a few days. Again I waited and still nothing.

The next time he contacted him I was told that he would refund my money into my account and he had no explanation as to why I hadn't received my package. I waited a few days and nothing was refunded into my account. I called the following week and spoke with him again and was told it takes 12-36 hours for the refund to go through.

Being a patient person I waited again. Still nothing. This senario has been continuing for almost 3 months and nothing has been rectified at this point. Today I called and spoke with someone by the name of Steve who claimed to be Frank's boss and demanded my money be refunded into my account. He said that the soonest that he would be able to refund my money was December 15. I told him that I had been dealing with Frank for a number if weeks now and that the December 15 date was not acceptable.

At this point he said that Frank would be fired, my replied was " I doubt it, I looked you up on and saw how long and how many people you have ripped off" again I stated that December 15 was not satisfactory and I wanted my money back in my account by Monday the 14th of November. If it was not there I was taking further action.

I hope that my bad experience has made you think twice before trusting these people.

Company: Golden One Benefits
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: P.O. Box 3488
Phone: 8777362002
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Golden One Benefits
Ripoff, Scam Artists, Frank Younger, Steve Miller Liars, Thieves

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