Singer Lazer Storm - IGIA


My order was submitted to them on 7/02/05 and to this date I have not received the order or been able to contact them at any of the websites or phone numbers. They took the money from my account on 7/5/05. It was not the amount I was originally told either! I contacted my credit card company tonight and they told me they will temporally credit back the money and will put a fraud case against them and will also contact them on my behalf to cancel any order. I hope this goes to court against them as reading all the complaints has stopped me from ordering anything fromt he web or tv. I thought that it was "Singer" and that was enough for give me hope. I am so sorry that so many people have been scammed.

Company: Singer Lazer Storm - IGIA
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 4540 Worth Street
Phone: 8007168667
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Singer Lazer Storm
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Lazer Storm - Singer - IGIA

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