Luis R. Santiago
Lying, cheating, dead beat sperm donator


Luis Ramon Santiago who resides with his illegal immigrant (who can't even speak English), Silvanna Torres (who is known to use other names, since she buys social security numbers and birth certificates to work, get credit etc.) of 82 John Ryle Ave, Haledon, NJ is a no good lying, cheating piece of s$*&! If you run into this man... Run the other way!

Born June 25,1963 and raised in Bayonne, New Jersey.

Member of the Bayonne Bridgeman Drum and Bugle Corps (drummer).

Works for a local Security/Alarm Company in the area (at this time anyway since he is unable to keep a job since he is a control freak, and tries to tell the bosses what to do. Not to mention that he lies about everything on his resume, pretending to be a professional with all kinds of schooling and training when in fact... He never even finished high school. Lol)

Luis claims to be a Veteran of the U.S.M.C. Truth is he was dishonorably discharged after a short period because he refused to take orders. Yet he stands up proudly when veterans are acknowledged lol what a joke!

He also claims to be a security administrator and engineer. LIES LIES LIES!
A High School Drop Out with NO education... Is not an administrator or an engineer, just a WANNABE!

As far as him being a Private Investigator. MORE LIES!
Years ago he was hired to follow cheating husbands around in Northern N.J. That didn't last long, since he rarely went to the site, and if he did, he went to sleep in his car, instead of doing what he was being paid to do. Gods honest truth... He made up false reports. I wonder how many people were divorced because he lied on his reports.

He is a compulsive liar, a cheat, abusive, a dead beat father who has no contact with his children. Not even a card or phone call for their birthdays.

Of course when asked about his children he claims that his ex wife keeps them from him, the truth is, he has a new family now and could care less about his own children. He tells people his ex wife is a drunk and a drug addict, and that's why he left her. When in truth, he was cheating on her and he is the one with a serious drug fact him and his girlfriend are big time drug dealers in Northern New Jersey. His ex wife was a terrific wife to him. She did everything for him except wipe his ass! She was the one that raised their 5 children alone even when he was around since he was to busy smoking his pot and snorting his coke.

A real lazy b#$%&^ that came home from work, ate, smoked his dope and went to sleep. They had no life together, they went nowhere and did nothing! She had to yell at him to wash & brush his nasty teeth. His personal hygiene was awful, he would go for days without showering and brushing his teeth.

Here he would complain that she never kissed him..
Well hell. I wonder why? She admitted to me that she could barely breathe with his dragon breath never mind kiss him!

Four Years ago he left his wife of 20 years and their 5 children for a 21 year old illegal immigrant janitor whore with 2 kids. Funny since his kids are in their 20's as well.

He beat his wife and his children for years. Refused to let his wife work. Said that she needed to stay home and care for the kids, so that he could make a future for them. Little did she know, that their future didn't include her or her children.

His wife is recently remarried to a wonderful man who is a terrific husband and father to her children. They laugh when they hear stories of this man from old friends and family members since these people see right through to his lies. Even his mother sees him for what he is... A lying a*hole!

He has bad credit, tax liens against him, and owes N.J. Unemployment thousands of dollars because he worked while collecting unemployment.

I'll tell ya... This man puts on a good show.
He'll have you believing him, and feeling sorry for him.
He's a terrific liar when it comes to meeting new people, but once you get to know him some, you will be amazed at how stupid he is. He will tell you 10 different stories and then when you call him on them, he will lie through his rotted teeth.

He travels for business, picks up prostitutes, and has s* stained underwear.

If he applies at your company for a job...
Check his schooling references careful, because you will find that the only schooling he had was up to 10th grade at Bayonne High School. As for his job references, they are friends of his that are willing to lie for him. Check with the Unemployment board or the tax office and get a real list of his prior jobs and call them...
Guaranteed that they won't tell you what a nice smart person he is or that they are going out of business. More lies!

Company: Luis R. Santiago
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Haledon
Address: 82 John Ryle Ave
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