US Air Force, USAA Insurance
RIPOFF Sexually Victimized by a PhD Nationwide


I was Sexually Victimized by a PhD and was ripped-off; telling the truth to the Base Commander and the Clinic Commander. This all happened in the year of 1992; I was not going to let this happen again to another person knowing that it terrifies me everyday. Where did the Commander send this PhD? Does the Commander know that this transpired on his Base?

The Clinic Commander Red Flagged the PhD, and was not able to treat females. My medical records disappeared from the Clinic. I took this to a higher level, reported my explanation of being sexually victimized to PAC AF (Hawaii). The realization of knowing it happened; this PhD was transferred away from Guam within two weeks.

What and why is the Government hiding, whose spouse or child is going to be victimized next? I fought for many years trying to have the Government remove the PhD, but however it was swept under the carpet of the Base Commander's office and not mentioned again.

However, my life has changed knowing I was the victim and the criminal got away.

On Wednesday, August 17, in the Sacramento Bee (Section A3), Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, plans to mandate sex-offenders by monitoring for life after a first offense. Is the Government included in this mandated in sex-offenders plan, or is this going to be hidden plans of the Government?

A spokeswoman for Attorney General Bill Locker said Tuesday that about 20 percent of the state's 85,000 sex offenders are not registered, making their exact whereabouts unknown.

My question to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is, Why are these sex-offenders not registered? Who let the sex-offenders go out to repeat the exact crime to citizens of our country not being registered?
This is 85,000 sex-offenders only in California! What would it take to track these criminals? Why does not the President pass a bill to protect our families; Civilian or Military from being victimized? My oldest son served in the Air Force for ten years and I was scared for my son and his family when they went to the Clinic. My son also volunteered to help the Military in Iraq.

Again I was scared for him, not knowing if he will return home. I feel for Cindy Sheehan and what she is trying to put on trial the President for answers. President Bush said that he does not plan on sending the troops home.

Let Mr. Bush go there to share the experience that our troops are suffering. He's got his nerve to say that on TV. I share my true life story to make an effort to save our families from harm.

USAA Insurance:
On May 6, myself and son was in a hit and run accident. To this date USAA has not paid my Medpay. I am being sent billing statements from USAA and not knowing what is taking long. I've been on disability from the day of the accident and now seeking Social Security Disability.

As of today USAA should have paid me lost wages, I'm still waiting for them to pay me. I pay my USAA insurance monthly, would you not feel that they should reflect the sense also act promptly towards me, however; they are ripping me off. My attorney has been trying to contact USAA for my Medpay and Loss wages however; they say USAA needs to investigate my medical and work history. They had over one year to do this investigation and not yet have I seen any assistance from USAA. I have not even seen any reimbursement of monies from my pocket. Again my son and I are the victims and the criminal got away, while USAA is ripping me off.

Company: US Air Force, USAA Insurance
Country: Guam
State: Other
Address: 9800 Fredricksburg Road, San Antinio, Texas 78288
Phone: 9167980736
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