American Grant Information Center
Ripoff, free grant money, dishonest fraudulent want bank account info


On August 22 in the afternoon I recieved a phone call from a woman, with a heavy accent, who knew my husbands name and our home address. She stated that she want to award us a grant where we could earn any where from $5,000 - $25,000 dollars of spending money to be spent on anything we wanted to spend it on.

She confirmed my address saying that she needed to send me a package with the applications for the free grant money. I asked her what the name of the company was and she gave me all the information even her name. I then started my internet search while on the phone with her.

She went on to say that in 5-7 days there would be a man come to my door to hand deliver the package and give me a $500 dollar cashiers check to deposit in my bank. But I need to pay a $200 dollar paper work fee in order to get all of this done.

She wanted to know what bank I used. I told her I didn't have a bank account. She got upset and said. You said you did. I said "no I never told you that, you never asked that." About that time I found this site and the name of the company and the word ripoff right next to it. Then I said "Thank you and hung up."

I wanted to make my own report because I was so glad someone else had already done the same!

Company: American Grant Information Center
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 1187 Desert Lane
Phone: 8776099967
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American Grant Information Center
Ripoff - trying to access my checking account

American Grant Information Center

American Grant Information Center - AGIC
Is a ripoff

American Grant Information Center - U.S. Grant Information Center
American Grant Information Center Or U.S. Grant Information Center government grant ripoff

American Grant Information Center
National Granting Center This company called me, telling me that I was approved for a $5000 dollar grant. They knew my name, address, city, state and by banking route of the bank I had an account with. They are a big rip-off!

Government Grant Information Center
Ripoff Offered me a government grant of $5000

American Grant Information Center-AGIC
American Grant Information Center-AGIC is a ripoff grants from the government, Canada Nationwide

American Grant Information Center
Sharon Williams called and told me I was approved for a 5000 dollar grant she just needed to verify my bank name these people keep calling me

US Government Grant Information Center
Aka American Government Grant Information Center tried to access my bank account and charge me to file for government grants which I am not entitled to

First National Grant
Ripoff. Had a foreign accent was real had to understand. She tried to get our banking information