NSS Magazine
$70.00 unauthorized charge on my credit card


I received my MasterCard bill today, March 2 and there is a charge for $70.00 from NSS magazine on it. There is also a phone number to contact them and an order number. I called the number and was taken through an automated system using voice commands. I went through the system the first time and was told that there was no order having the number I spoke into the system. I called back and tried again. The second time, I was told that the order number (now miraculously found in their database) was for Sports Illustrated for Kids. Funny thing is, I don't have any kids. I remember receiving a phone call asking if I wanted 5 magazines for free if I would only agree to pay $3. Xx per week for one year (or five years, I forget which) for one magazine. For this I would receive entry into some sweepstakes for $70,000.00. I told them no, I wasn't interested. They also tried to give me a women's gemstone ring, but I still was not interested. I finally told them I did not want their offer or the magazines and I hung up. I don't know if that phone call is related to this incident, but I'd be willing to bet it is. So today I find a $70.00 charge for what I presume to be magazines on my credit card. I've called my card company and had the charge removed and will receive a credit on my next statement. I've also told them I wanted to file a complaint, have the charge permanently removed so the company couldn't charge it again, and have this company investigated for fraud. They are sending me a letter to fill out and it will allow the card company to find out if the charge was authorized (it wasn't), and to investigate them for fraud. Hopefully this NSS magazine company will no longer be able to charge on my card again. I also hope they get busted.

Monroe, Louisiana

Company: NSS Magazine
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
Phone: 18002059198
  <     >  


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