Atlantic Magazine Services
Aka CRC magazine subscription scam


I just wanted to thank all of you for putting your stories on here. I got a phone call two days ago from this company and it seemed a bit fishy, They did all the same things (you'd think they would change their story by now) They even asked me for the varification of my credit card and the automated system told me i would be billed in 7 to 10 business days only to see that it was being charged that same day.

The thought of this company bothered me and i researched my laws and magazine scams. This company fits it to the tee. I researched my state telemarketing laws and for the state of pa, the alotted time for any written or oral contract for immediate cancellations is three busisness days. So with-in my legal rights i can cancel and they cant really bitch. Either way thanks to all your stories you have given me not only the fuel to attack these people anyway how, you have also given me vital knowledge and time to take care of this before I get even furthur into my current debt.

I will post back what happens after i either get a hold of them, and other such things. I have your stories also to tell my credit card and my attorney gerneral. THank you guys a whole bunch and thank you to this site.

Company: Atlantic Magazine Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Deerfield
Address: 900 SE 8th Ave Suite 103
Phone: 8003316168
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