Consumer Rewards Network
Ripoff, harassed


Monday, 6-6 I received a phone call from this company, Consumer Rewards Network. The man with a heavy accent explained that I would get a $500 shopping spree from any places like Best Buy, Target, Walmart ect. And all I had to do was look at a packet they sent.

The catch? I had to pay $4.95 shipping & handling. I knew at that point it was a scam. I used to work in a fraud department at a financial institution so I knew this was a common lure.interested in how they operated, I asked how he wanted me to pay the $4.95. He said it was a simple secure check-by-phone.

I told him that I don't give account information over the phone and if they wanted my business they needed to contact me by mail. They guy wouldn't let it go insisting that giving him the numbers at the bottom of my check was not giving him any information.
I laughed and told him the conversation was over.

A minute later he called back asking me why I hung up on him. Still insisting they were a legitimate company, blah, blah, blah. Told him not to call back.

He called back again. Pissed off now, I told him that he is oficially harassing me now, confirmed the name of his company and dared him to call back again. He never did. I checked out the company as soon as I got off the phone and saw everyone's experiences.

I'm so sorry all of you were taken advantage of by these low-lifes. I was simply lucky enough to have life experiences that makes me very weary of phone calls like those. Good luck to those of you out some money. I am going to try contacting my local news station to get the word out. Maybe you could do the same.

Company: Consumer Rewards Network
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8666566163
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