CCS Credit Card Services
First National Card Big time Credit Card Rip off


Okay, so a few months ago I get this "to good to be true" credit card in the mail. $6,500.00 in credit sounded so good at the time. So I get on the phone with some guy named David and he fires a million questions at me all at once. I am confused a little, but it still sounds good.

David tells me I have 8 days to cancel if I don't want the 199.00 charge to my account. So on the 7th day I call and I am told that I am to late and the charge has already been put through. So I tell them fine, but cancel any further activity.

Then they proceed to offer me all kinds of free credits if I stay on, I say NO NO NO NO, but they aren't listening. Finally I say cancel everything and I hang up. I recieve nothing in the mail over the next two months, not a statement, or catalog or anything so I assume its done.

Today I check my bank account, as I do every Saturday to pay bills, and They have debit charged me another 199.00!!! I try to call the 800 number and magically I keep getting hung up on. So I call my bank, and thankfully, they tell me what I need to do.

My advice to anyone is to NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS CARD. But if you have, call your bank right away and be persistent. They have to help you. Better still, print all of these articles from this website and take them to your bank and speak with someone in person. Then close your account and open a new one and put a stop payment for the companys ID number so no further charges can be accrued. This company cannot do this to people, it is illegal. And just plain wrong.

My only mistake was trying to fix my credit, and this company knows that and they played me like a fiddle. Thanks to this website and my bank I am going to get my money back and not be charged by them again. If this happens to you, get help, your bank has to help you, even if they do it grudgingly.

Company: CCS Credit Card Services
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 17800
Phone: 8007310121
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