JPI Student Living - Jefferson Commons
Student Ripoff. Charged me $300 for property damages that were already there & documented when I moved in!


Jefferson Commons is a major scam for college students. Every person I know who has lived there has had a miserable experience and we have all been charge for things that we should not owe when we moved out.

I filled out a student housing inventory and condition form in August when I moved into Jefferson Commons. I noted on my form that my bed squeaked and my carpet had tears along with many other problems that were never corrected.

When I moved out in August Jefferson Commons charged me $288.75 to replace my mattress, box spring, and carpet. ALL of my roommates and other friends living in Jefferson Commons were also charged for similar things. They, unfortunately, paid the unreasonable charges.

I wrote Jefferson Commons a letter, called them repeatedly, and even stopped by their Tampa office to dispute my charges. I could not get in touch with a manager and received no response to my letter.

Jefferson Commons sent my charges to a collection agency (Southern Management Systems) and I still am refusing to pay because I have PROOF that I do not owe the money.

I do not see how it can be legal to charge me for things that I obviously do not owe. I do not want to ruin my credit but I refuse to pay Jefferson Commons.

I strongly believe that the reason Jefferson Commons continues to falsely charge students is because most students have too many other things going on in their lives to fight the charges. It is easier to pay and move on. Therefore, Jefferson Commons will continue to RIP OFF as many students as they possibly can.

Company: JPI Student Living - Jefferson Commons
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Irving
Address: 600 East Las Colinas Blvd
Phone: 9725561700
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