Marty Odell Pinkerman
Loser, thief, deadbeat dad ripoff


Marty pinkerman is the biggest loser ever to walk to face of the earth. My girlfriend was engaged to him and he got another girl pregnant (he left her once the baby was born). I have learned that he has done this to many, many women. He broke into the home of his ex-girlfriend's parents and stole money, jewelry and a video camera. He once burned down his ex-father-in-law's barn (luckily all the animals escaped). A co-worker of mine was having an affair with him also, after he was married for like the third or fourth time to a real bitch named gwedolyn, who encouraged him to avoid his children and ignore child support payments.

He also broke up a marriage of 12 years by convincing the wife that her husband was having an affair (he wasn't) just so he could sleep with her. Once she left her husband, he left her too. He used to live in the same area as i still do, so everyone knows him and many people would love to see him come back to town, but he wouldn't because he's such a chicken sh* and knows he would have to be carried out. But, if anyone can get him back here we would love it!

So to the girl who wrote that he left her when she was pregnant, honey, who are much better off without him in you're child's life. Get you're money from him, by what ever means (put the sorry loser in jail) and keep your kid away from him. He cannot be trusted, he probably wants to sleep with her too!

Company: Marty Odell Pinkerman
Country: USA
State: Illinois
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Donald Rozelle
CHACHI LOSER Ripoff Dead beat dad

Marty Odell Pinkerman
DEADBEAT DAD left me pregnant at 16 and now has 7 kids and supports none of them

Leo Gomez Jr
"squirt" dead beat loser! No child support paying! Rip-off!

Dustin Holland
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Christopher Michael Anderson
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Patrick L Fenton
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Rose Dent
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Christopher George Erben
Ak Chris D.D.D. Has two children and won't pay court ordered child support, hasn't even met his second son! Left state with pregnant girlfriend

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