Rocky Mountain Promotions
Scentura Creations World Perfume ripoff Another Fragrance Scam


I responded to an ad in the Denver Post. It said something like Admin/office managers, no experience needed will train. Looking back, I am saying "HELLO"! Thanks to my boyfriend, he was looking out for me.

I went in for my first interview, I was intvited back for a second interview. Then they hired me said that I would have my own office after I went through their training program that lasted about 10-13 weeks. The guy that ran the meetings is Zack Dunn. He is a great talker, he gets you excited about being able to be a "Branch Manager".

When my boyfriend first started to tell me that he thought it was a scam, I didn't want to listen. It all sounded sooo good. Then he found all this stuff about Scntura Creations. I didn't think it was the same, but I keept reading and found out that they like to change there name A LOT!!! Now here in Colorado they are going by the name ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROMOTIONS INC. Also, in reading there were names that are the same. Like Dan Long and Owner Johnny. Then I knew that it was the same scam!

They say that they are the #1 distrubtor of fragrence in the country. But you can't find anything about them anywhere!!! I think that they just opened up shop here in Colorado. So, I hope I can let other people here know what I found out. They say that they are opening up 5 offices here in denver. I hope not all they do is use people and get them to sale for them and you never get the "Branch Manager" position. Well, maybe you do if you lie like they do and take advantage of people.

Some other things they tell you are that they have two company vacations a year. They don't offer ins. Until you become Branch Manager, so that means never! They say the things that they are looling for in employees is 1. Great Attitude (be happy and don't question them) 2. Honest (don't take the money they are going to take from you) 3. Willingness to work (sell for them and get nothing for it) 4. Trainability (They need to train you how to sell for them) 5. Ready for a Career (Ready to work your butt off for them)

I was really sorry to hear about all the other people in other states getting riped off by these people. I am glad I found out about them and only spent 3 days with them. I am just trying to get the word out that this company has hurt a lot of people and I don't want them to do it here in Colorado too.

Let's stop them before too many get hurt!!!

Company: Rocky Mountain Promotions
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Lakewood
Address: 575 Union
Phone: 3037161780
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