First I Net
Ripoff $150.00 from my banking account Internet


I opened my banking account one day to find a $150.00 charge that I had not authorized. I called the number listed by the charge and was told that they were a company by the name of Amerinet and I was given another number to call. 1-800-992-9695. After calling this number for two days and being asked to leave a message and never receiving a call-back, I called the number listed on my bank account again. 1-888-898-6639 I was given the same answer as the first time I called. When pressed I was told they were a clearing house for 3 different companies and that this $150.00 was for a on-line order I had made. The order was suppose to mean I had $2000.00 worth of credit with some catolog!!! Ridiculous!

After pulling this company up on the internet and finding the consumer complaintss concerning them, I called my bank and they promptly offered to fill out a dispute form for me.

I will post an update on my progress in getting my money back.

Zavalla, Texas

Company: First I Net
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8888986639
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