Liars who steal money from bank accounts of innocent people


Back in August I recieved a call from a telemarketer trying to sell me something, like most telemarketers they talk fast and you can never understand what they are trying to sell, It didn't help that he had an accent and he called me on my cell phone while I was in my car and it was raining. I asked him many times to repeat himself and I would say ok that I understood him not to the fact that I wanted to purchase anything.

I never gave my account number over the phone so when I hung up I knew that I did not agree to anything. Well two months ago I saw apt9galleria on my bank statement I thought maybe I bought something at the mall and forgot to write it in my checkbook. Well when I recieved another statement the next month I saw it again. And then I knew something was wrong. It was late that night so I had to wait the next day to call.

I thought Ok I will call and everyhthing would be worked out. How wrong was I. Everyone I talked to gave me a run around, I felt like I was talking to robots. They told me I was a member since septemeber, so while on the phone I went through past statements of them all and saw 14.95 taken out every month. I was furious.

I demanded a refund, but that was a laugh, they gave me the run around again. They kept saying they had me on record agreeing. So I demanded to hear the tape. I had to wait ten days, I had ten days to cool down.

I finally got to hear it three days ago, and all my anger came back because they messed with the tape and made my voice to go in certain parts, all I said was ok, last time I check saying ok was not saying" yes send me the product I can't wait to get ripped off ". I told the women on the phone the tape was messed with and of coures she said "ma'am we dont mess with the tapes"Like I believe that for a second. She didn't help me either. If I paid for some coupon dicounts for 5 months I never once recieved anything in the mail to even be aware that I was part of this club. They told me I sent it back, LIES more LIES. I was fed up with those people. And just hung up.

I went to my bank, the clerk there asked how they got my account number, how should I know, how do crooks get account numbers. SHe could only go back 90 days and give me back to my account. I took what I could get back. I am not a 23 year old rich girl. And I work hard for my money. I feel bad for the girl from ohio that had alot more taken out. Its not even the money its that fact that they can get away with it. Kills me. The internet has everything I was just trying to look for their address to write them a letter and I found this site. I will never talk to telemarkers again I used to be nice to them, Get real jobs.
And if I hear "sorry for you convience" again I am going to scream.

Company: Apt9galleriausa
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stanford
Address: 9w Broad St
Phone: 8004360817
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Potomac Fidelity Group
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Platinum Trust Card
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Tax Brain And SBBT
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Video Professor
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