Prosper Inc
Consumer Report


My elderly mother and I were just getting started in internet marketing when she received a high pressured sales call out of the blue. She explained she couldn't do anything because she was at poverty level. She was assured she would get her "educational investment back at tax time" and she would earn as she learned the e-commerce business. While they were careful not to promise earnings, and we agreed to do everything we were assigned to do, they did promise we would at least recoup the investment. After some reluctance and much clear articulation of what we would and would not agree to, we enrolled as students. We then received 2 other high pressured sales calls - other "partners" Prosper had in their pocket. One was kind enough to "establish our business" and the other to "file our taxes." In March my mother was diagnosed with a rare and debilitating condition that conventional medicine cannot cure. That money we wasted on Prosper could be well spent giving her a quality of life. We only lost money on this deal and wasted a ton of time. We followed through with our part of the bargain. This company should be held accountable for swindling an elderly couple. A complaint has been filed with the FTC and ic3. Gov. I won't stop until something is done.

Company: Prosper Inc
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Provo
ZIP: 84604
Address: 5252 N. Edgewood Drive, Suite 150
Phone: 8007485199, 8013710755, 8007439833, 8012217612
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