Consumer Report


Started 8/23 2 calls. Recording would reply "goodbye" and hang up. Tried calling number back, rang several times then disconnected.
Today (8/24) had 3 calls with the same thing.
A fourth call this afternoon from same number of someone claiming to be "Microsoft Service Center".

Company: 9078298946
Country: USA
Phone: 9078298946
  <     >  


Harrassing Phone Calls

907 829 8946
Consumer Report

The CBE Group
Harassing phone calls

Kaplan University
Recording phone calls this individuals or recording call my cell phone every day and nite on weekends and when I answer hang up or leave a recording for 20minutes

Warranty Solutions - Warranty Service Center Car Nationwide
Expired Automotive Warranty Calls to Cell Phone

Franklin Collection Service, Inc
Scam phone calls

RCS Center Corporation
Repeated harassing calls all day long, 2 to 3 time a week

Warranty Service Center
Warranty Service Center will not stop calling

United Business Solutions
These people won't quit calling me. Told them if I want printer cartridges, I will let them know. Continued to call. Told them again. Continued to call. Told them to quit calling. Continued to call

Microsoft Corporation
Called twice today